Não conhecido fatos sobre comunicação

Corcoran found 38 classified documents in the storage room. He then asked whether he should search anywhere else, like Trump’s office, but was steered away, he told associates. Corcoran never searched the office and told prosecutors the 38 papers were the extent of the material at Mar-a-Lago.

Horas antes, el presidente había asegurado de que lo ocurrido con Ferrosur en el Istmo “pelo es una expropiación”, solo una vuelta al Estado de lo qual le pertenece. Y se ha mostrado dispuesto a recompensar en “precios do mercado” por deshacer la antigua concesión. Pero esos nove.500 millones do pesos… “Así ya no se puede, ni siquiera es un precio justo, sino un abuso”. A pesar del ruido, las negociaciones parecen haber llegado a buen puerto.

When he contracted the disease himself in July, during the first wave of the pandemic in Brazil, Bolsonaro continued to interact with others in public without wearing a mask or maintaining social distance. In addition, he claimed that he had benefited from taking hydroxychloroquine, a drug that not only proved to be ineffective against the virus but also had the potential to produce dangerous side effects. Though Brazil’s hospitals and health care workers were challenged, they weathered that first wave of the pandemic relatively well, and by August the number of virus cases and virus-related deaths had dropped dramatically.

Soon after the $3.3 million agreement was reached, the legislature began investigating Paxton’s actions, a probe that led to the 20 articles of impeachment. Legislators approved the articles by a wide margin, with even more than two-thirds of Republicans agreeing to impeach.

However, despite being taken in advance of the pandemic’s onslaught on Brazil, these efforts were undermined by the federal government’s lacklustre response, which took its cues from Bolsonaro. He repeatedly downplayed the disease’s severity, mocked the mask-wearing that provided the first line of defense against the spread of the virus, and blocked attempts to lock down elements of the economy to try to contain the public health crisis. As a result, a Brazilian health care system that was generally well positioned to combat the pandemic ultimately faltered badly.

Even as the situation became increasingly grim, Bolsonaro persisted in downplaying the crisis. However, as his popularity suffered, he began to walk back some of his criticism of the prevention measures, especially after a Supreme Court judge dismissed the corruption charges against Lula in March 2021, paving the way for the popular former president to challenge Bolsonaro for the presidency in 2022.

On Joe Biden’s watch, violent crime has skyrocketed and communities have become less safe as he defunded, defamed, and dismantled police forces.

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Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, jair bolsonaro testa positivo lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!

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To resolve the issue about the gaps in the surveillance footage, the special counsel most recently subpoenaed Matthew Calamari Sr, the Trump Organization’s security chief who became its chief operating officer, and his son Matthew Calamari Jr, the director of corporate security.

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It was not clear who waved off Corcoran from searching elsewhere at Mar-a-Lago – whether it was Trump himself or Trump employees who advised him to look for classified documents in the storage room, according to an account of his testimony to the bolsonaro jair wikipedia grand jury.

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